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60 days of intensive training

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The method?

Interaktiv-Kommunikatives Lernen (IKL)

– Active learning through alternating tasks

– Communicate confidently by training all skills: Speaking, writing, reading and listening

This course is for you if you:

At the end of the course you will be able to:

1. Speaking

Communicate in simple, everyday situations, such as introducing oneself, ordering food and drinks, and asking for directions.

2. Grammar

The main grammar rules, including articles, singular and plural nouns, adjectives, and conjugation of verbs.

3. Sentence structure

form simple sentences and ask and answer simple questions related to everyday life.

4. Vocabulary

Understand and use basic words and expressions related to familiar topics such as family, home, work, and daily activities.

Here's what the course offers:

Natalia's courses have been purchased by over 500 people and 99% of them are satisfied.

Your Teacher

Hey, I'm your German teacher, Natalia!

Teaching is my passion! GERMAN can be taught easily, entertainingly and in a clear way. I love doing that every day on different channels.

Hundreds of thousands of students learn German with me on Instagram and YouTube and thousands have already benefited from my online courses.

I focus from day one on making sure my students sound authentic, develop a large vocabulary, and use the language flawlessly from the start.

Regular Price of 99€

Course lasts 60 days

You pay only 1,65€ per day and you can learn at your own pace together with the best community.


All videos and all texts are in German, text translations are available in English.

Ja, das ist ein Selbstlerner Kurs. Du bekommst Zugriff zu allen Materialien für 3 Monate und kannst Schritt für Schritt alles bearbeiten.

Es gibt keinen Live-Unterricht. Du musst nicht warten, bis der Lehrer auf den Punkt kommt, und du musst schon gar nicht warten, bis ein Mitschüler aufhört, die Aufmerksamkeit des Lehrers zu beanspruchen. Mein Team und ich sind immer erreichbar und bereit, deine Fragen schriftlich zu beantworten. Du bekommst Zugriff zu allen Materialien für 3 Monate und kannst Schritt für Schritt alles bearbeiten.   

Ja, am Ende des Kurses musst du einen Test bestehen.

Ja, du bekommst ein Teilnahmezertifikat.

Du solltest mindestens 2-mal pro Woche lernen, je nachdem wie schnell du lernst, brauchst du 3 bis 5 Stunden pro Woche. Du kannst auch ein bisschen jeden Tag lernen, das ist dir überlassen.

Worauf wartest du denn noch?

Have you considered upgrading to our Grammar Package?

10 Ebooks + More than 100 German Grammar Units

  1. EasyDeutsch – German Grammar Explained Easily
  2. DaF Grammar Trainer – 300+ Exercises A1-B2
  3. 40+ German Grammar Lists
  4. Nominative, Accusative, Dative or Genitive?
  5. Intensive Trainer: German Cases
  6. 137 German Prepositions – Free
  7. Intensive Trainer: German Prepositions – Free
  8. Exercises: Level A1-A2 – Free
  9. Exercises: Level B1-B2 – Free
  10. German Connectors – Conjunctions, Subjunctions, Conjunctional Adverbs – Free
  11. Bonus X: 100+ Grammar Units – Video, PDF, Exercises – Perfect for Self Study

Buy now all EasyDeutsch Ebooks with English explations together and save more than 100€! 


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