Interaktiv-Kommunikatives Lernen (IKL)
– Active learning through alternating tasks
– Communicate confidently by training all skills: Speaking, writing, reading and listening
communicate authentically in German
understand and use complex grammar rules
form complex sentences and ask and answer questions on a variety of topics
communicate in conversation in a varied way
understand complex written and spoken texts
Modul 1: Arbeiten und Kommunikation im Team
Grammatik: Konjunktiv II
Modul 2: Kundenorientierte Kommunikation
Grammatik: Verben mit Präpositionen
Modul 3: Konflikte und Konfliktlösestrategien im Arbeitsalltag
Grammatik: modale und finale Zusammenhänge
Wortschatz & Redemittel
Teste dein Wissen
Modul 1: Grenzenlose Welten: Wenn Realität und Fiktion verschwimmen
Grammatik: Temporale Präpositionen
Modul 2: Mediengebrauch im Arbeitsalltag
Grammatik: Konjunktiv I
Grammatik: Das Modalverb “sollen”
Modul 3: Online kommunizieren – Umgangssprache, Regeln und Gesetze
Wortschatz & Redemittel
Teste dein Wissen
Modul 1: Machen Kleider wirklich Leute?
Grammatik: Adjektivbildung (Partizip I & Partizip II)
Modul 2: Freizeitgestaltung: Mehr Entspannung, weniger Stress
Grammatik: Verweiswörter
Grammatik: Modalpartikeln
Modul 3: Zusammen, miteinander, gemeinsam
Grammatik: Indefintipronomen
Wortschatz & Redemittel
Teste dein Wissen
Modul 1: Die Zukunft neu erfinden: Ein inspirierender Blick in die Welt von morgen
Grammatik: kausale und konzessive Konnektoren + Präpositionen
Grammatik: Futur I
Modul 2: Grenzenlose Freiheit: Wie „digitale Nomaden” die Arbeitswelt revolutionieren
Grammatik: zweiteilige Konnektoren
Modul 3: Der Verlust des urbanen Lebens: Wie das Aussterben der Innenstädte unsere Gesellschaft prägt
Grammatik: Wortbildung: Nomen
Wortschatz & Redemittel
Teste dein Wissen
Teaching is my passion! GERMAN can be taught easily, entertainingly and in a clear way. I love doing that every day on different channels.
Hundreds of thousands of students learn German with me on Instagram and YouTube and thousands have already benefited from my online courses.
I focus from day one on making sure my students sound authentic, develop a large vocabulary, and use the language flawlessly from the start.
You pay only 3,33€ per day and you can learn at your own pace together with the best community.
Yes, this is a self-study course. You get access to all materials for 4 months and you can work on everything step by step.
There are no live lessons. You don’t have to wait for the teacher to get to the point, and you certainly don’t have to wait for a classmate to stop demanding the teacher’s attention. Natalia’s team are always available and ready to answer your questions in writing. You get access to all materials for 4 months and you can work on everything step by step.
Yes, at the end of the course you have to pass a test.
Yes, you will receive a certificate of attendance
You should study at least 2 times a week, depending on how fast you learn, you will need 3 to 5 hours a week. You can also study a little every day, it’s up to you.
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